Thursday, May 1, 2014

Packers Preseason Games 2014 | Green Bay's Opponents Look To Improve

The Packers preseason schedule was announced recently, and it goes as follows. On the road against Tennessee in week one, on the road against St. Louis in week two, at home against Oakland in week three, and at home against Kansas City in week four. The games againsr Kansas City and St. Louis were expected, as they happen every year, and of course the Packers connections to Oakland are well known these days.

First and foremost, I am interested in seeing how the backup quarterback situation is going to look when the preseason rolls around. The Packers already have Scott Tolzien under contract and the recently re-signed Matt Flynn to provide stability. Also look for them to draft someone as well. I have been pinging Georgia’s Aaron Murray as a possibility all off season, and Murray would most certainly make this situation even more interesting. In reality, I don’t think the Packers want Flynn to be the backup quarterback this season, but they will be fine if he is. I think they would rather that Scott Tolzien, who is far more talented than Flynn, beat him out, or possibly a rookie such as Murray to beat him out. However, they would like Tolzien or a rookie to beat him out easily, and not have a situation unfold like they had last season where nobody beat anyone and they ended up with Seneca Wallace as the backup quarterback.

 I am also interested to see who is going to be lining up as the starting safety. The Packers chose not to sign a safety during the main free agency period, so they are looking to draft one. How high they draft one depends on what they think of second year defensive back Micah Hyde. There has been a lot of talk about switching Hyde to safety by many amongst the Packers brass. Hyde definitely played well during his rookie season, and he will merit more playing time in season two. If the Packers chose not to switch Hyde to safety look for them to draft a safety really high, as high as in the first round. I have done several mock drafts of the Packers this offseason and in each case I have put Louisville safety Calvin Pryor to the Packers in round one.

Also who will be playing center? The Packers chose not to re-sign EDS, and instead have placed a lot of faith in second year interior lineman J.C Tretter. The coaches think Tretter has the tools to succeed long term in the NFL as a center. Look for the Packers to draft an interior lineman for depth in this draft .

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